JoAnne Musick, HCCLA President
832-448-1148 office, email JoAnne
Houston, Texas – May 9, 2016 – The Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA) will hold its 46th annual banquet and awards ceremony on Thursday, May 12, 2016 at Hotel ZaZa, 5701 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77005. HCCLA will honor the following award recipients:
Richard “Racehorse” Haynes Lifetime Achievement
Robert Pelton
Katherine Scardino
George “Mac” Secrest
Lawyer of the Year – Casie Gotro
Torch of Liberty – Stephen Clappart and John P. Denholm
Sharon Levine Unsung Heroes – Nancy Bunin and Mary Samaan
Member of the Year – David Ryan
Mentor of the Year – Eric Davis
President’s Junior Justice Award – Maya Wood