FROM: Tyler Flood, President – Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association
Houston, Texas – September 25, 2016 – We have learned that Harris County Assistant District Attorney Connie Spence may be awarded a position as a Probable Cause Magistrate Judge. It is our understanding that a majority of the current District, County and Justice of the Peace judges trying criminal cases will, without allowing public comment, gift Ms. Spence this judicial position this week.
HCCLA vehemently opposes the appointment of this prosecutor to a judicial position. Connie Spence has historically exhibited conduct and judgment unbecoming of anyone licensed as an attorney in the State of Texas. As an assistant prosecutor she has misused her power to the detriment of the people of Harris County.
Spence’s unethical behavior is well documented in the media, as she was accused of withholding evidence and coercing witnesses in the Linda Carty Capital Murder case. Specifically, two of Carty’s co-conspirators and a former DEA employee — witnesses whom Spence had sponsored at trial — testified at a hearing that Spence had in fact coerced them to give particular testimony.
The Harris County Judiciary has a responsibility to the people of Harris County: to avoid not only impropriety but also the appearance of impropriety. If they are interested in restoring the integrity of the justice system and the trust of the public, then any appointment of Connie Spence to a judicial position must be rejected.
If you have any questions regarding this statement, I can be reached at office@tylerflood.com or by calling me at 713.224.5529.
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