The Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association (HCCLA) is the largest local association for criminal defense lawyers in the nation. HCCLA was founded in 1970 as a small, non-profit association and has grown into a state-of-the-art organization, providing assistance, support, and continuing education to its members. HCCLA provides a local forum for criminal defense lawyers.
The Defender
For more than three decades, The Defender (formerly The Docket Call) has kept the legal community informed about local criminal justice issues, exciting personalities, and important events inside Harris County and the Greater Houston area. We’ve expanded our readership to include criminal defense lawyers, state and federal presiding judges in Harris and surrounding counties, law schools and libraries. The magazine is also available online at www.hccla.org.
The Defender is FULL COLOR and has a print distribution of 1,000 to criminal defense lawyers, public defenders, local law schools and libraries, and the judiciary in Harris and surrounding counties. The Defender is also distributed via HCCLA Facebook and Twitter and content is shareable on social media.
Ad Rates:
$800 Full Page, Inside Front Cover
$750 Full Page, Inside Back Cover
$800 Back Cover
$700 Full Page, Inside (non-cover)
$600 2/3 Page
$500 1/2 Page
$400 1/3 Page
$250 1/4 Page
$125 Business Card (2″x3.5″)
- HCCLA is not responsible for errors or omission in ad copy submitted by you.
- HCCLA is not responsible for any losses associated with advertising.
- Copy must be delivered electronically via high resolution graphics (pdf preferred).
- Advertiser is responsible for delivering ad copy to The Defender on a timely basis.
- Advertiser must remain available up until print for questions regarding copy.
- Other than cover positions, specific ad placement is not guaranteed and is subject to change.
- Payment for all advertisement is due in advance.
Advertise in The Defender Special Election Edition (Fall 2018). This issue is scheduled to mail prior to the start of Early Voting in Harris County, Texas (October 2018). Deadline to submit ads is August 17, 2018.